Welcome to CTC Grampian
We are the local group of Cycling UK (formerly CTC), cycling in and around the Aberdeen area. Our group offers cyclists, in Aberdeen and the North East of Scotland, an informal friendly club which provides for all types and abilities of cyclists, to which newcomers are always welcome. Our extensive cycle runs list is listed on this site and can be viewed as a calendar or list. Plus you can download the list to your smartphone or tablet calendar for easy reference.
You can also download the latest Runs List as a PDF
It is a condition of participation in CTC Grampian club rides and activities that all participants will have familiarised themselves with, and agreed to comply with, the terms of the risk assessment, which can be downloaded by clicking here
Local Members Forum
Members are encouraged to join our local on-line forum, the Cyclists Touring Club Grampian Google Group. Members of the group will receive and can post email updates on local activities, cycling events, social events, programme changes and cycling items for sale or wanted. In addition, members can request help or advice with any cycling-related subject.
Cycling UK
Cycling UK (formerly CTC) offers a comprehensive and specialised service for the leisure cyclist technical advice, touring information legal advice support, insurance, a bi-monthly magazine, organised tours and the chance to be part of the largest cycling club in the UK with over 60,000 members.
You can join here: Join Cycling UK